Sunday, February 20, 2005


No Greater Fear

'No greater love'
A phrase that resonates,
for love is everything to us,
all we can hope for, long for.

Who of us hasn't loved,
or desired love,
or even been in love
with the idea of being in love
it fills us so.

Love and fear.

One once asked me: what do you fear?
She who asked had lost a love,
and I told her:
No greater fear I have
than to love,
and then to feel my heart wither and die,
the emotions, the feelings,
for if they die in my heart
then I alone am left to blame
for abandoning love
and my sadness is of my own making.

Sunset Thoughts

A red sunset upon the waters,
seen through the green blades of grass.

The wind brings tidings
of colder nights to come-

But I am not afraid.

For that just means that you and I
shall lay together for warmth
in front of the fire,
and think on the summer that
shines in our souls.

Lady Rose.

She grows gently, and was tended not,
Yet her life is vibrant and warm
And she holds my heart in her hands.

I, who had not seen her before,
Who had been blind to such beauty
It was I who truly saw her.

Caught between the cares of the Earth,
And the freedom of Heaven;
She is my Lady Rose.

After hard words.

Quite lost, unsure.
There is no measure, no way to see myself
There is no direction for my heart to turn.
When you're not here, after hard words,
I have to remind myself why I am
And the hole in me is large.
Is something wrong with me?
Or do I love you as truly as I said?

From afar.

I wonder what you are thinking now,
Distance is a real and a symbolic thing at times.
My thoughts can't reach you-
Or can they?
I recall our last conversation,
A snapshot of a place, a time, a state of mind,
That is all I have to go on, to remember.
Here and now my feelings are all that I can have,
And I wish you well, with all my heart.

The real me.

Where is my heart?
Can it be without another?
Where is hers?
I do not know.
I walk among those who know me,
But they do not see inside me,
know the real me.
She did, so long ago.
But now I'm adrift,
without her heart by mine,
Nothing is certain,
all is seen through a veil,
and I am here,
yet I am not,
for I have lost the part of me
that was the real me.

Late one eve.

After telling tales of you and I,
Trying to sleep late in the eve
I feel there is someone in the room
And I can't sleep.
I get up and ask-
Is it you?

It was never my intention
to hurt you,
or to be hurt.


Blogger Archeage Girl said...

Excellent Post✧(≖ ◡ ≖✿)
Archeage Gold

4:44 AM  

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