Sunday, February 20, 2005

(About the tales)

[This is a brief comment upon the original stories I wrote for Dark Age of Camelot in my storybook at Nimue Crossroads.]

Story-Book Ending:
I hesitated to include this, being an early work that isn't that good. The exact incident happened on Albion Percival in-game; I had a Friar and was playing with a Theurgist lass. I thought that the disappointment at the end of the adventure would make a different kind of story.

The Trackless Forest:
I thought a story about a totally selfish group of adventurers on a quest would be fun. No real heroes here.

Chirelith's Ghost:
My first RP story. I am always inspired to write by strong emotions and certain people who I RP with; there is a lot of things in here that are both painful and real that happened.

The Tower:
Not really a story at the beginning; I was trying to work through an incident that happened with a dear RP friend, and a story grew out of the allegory.

The Forgotten Battle of Jamtland:
My one humorous story. I am drawn to tragedy in writing; this was a conscious effort to lighten the mood for once!

Honor; part 1, The City:
The first of a planned trilogy of linked tales, dealing with the concept of honor- what it is, how it is lost, how it is regained. I have a rough draft of the continuation, but am not satisfied with it yet.

An elaboration of a story alluded to in After the Battle part 2; the details don't exactly match, but I thought the idea made for a story worth revisiting.

A very brooding and dark tale; I think it came from an image I had in my mind of a Norse Chieftain sitting in his great hall, holding a poisoned blade. Tried to keep it as atmospheric as I could. I got more comments on this one when it was originally posted on the VN boards than any other story.

After the Battle:
This series of linked tales grew out of a single idea that grew and grew; I write intuitively, I never know where the story is taking me, but it often thankfully comes together somehow. It is like having something flow through one, more than creating.
The mysterious and unearthly woman, dancing among the dead on a battlefield, was an image that started it all. These stories, in hindsight, are about loss: how does one deal with the pain? Probably my favorite stories.

Elendion's tales:
Elendion is a Siabra, a rather unpopular type of Elf. But he is not your typical Siabra. Or is it an act? Only Arrylle knows for sure. He occasionally roleplays on Nimue.

Fateful Voyage:
A 7-part adventure talking place in Albion. The longest tale I've written. Caddan the Paladin can be found on Percival sometimes; Trema used to be there, but is no more.

A first-person tale from Malthrig again. I keep coming back to him as a protagonist. This story tries to look at what war does to people, how it changes them. The theme of sleep runs through the tale.

The Fall:
This story was based on something that really happened in Thidranki one day. It was a wonderful, and ultimately sad, time. Thank you K for inspiring me.

The Vision:
Darker than normal. Keep coming back to the theme of characters choosing whether to let another live or die.

The Gift:
Brea, your words inspired the tale.

I hope i didn't bore you all to death. I really feel that I can't take any credit at all for these stories, or if they deserve any. They just happened, and I wrote them down. They are emotional seizures, I think.


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