Sunday, February 20, 2005

Story-book Ending?

Jantiff ran from Prydwen Keep as fast as he could.

'Blasted charnel house of evil!' he thought. The dank labyrinth of the Undead known as Mithra's Tomb was the object of his musings- that, and a tall dark-haired Theurgist named Lady Rihanonn, who lay quiet and unmoving within its depths.

They had been moving cautiously through the darkened corridors when a red-eyed beast had jumped them by surprise, slaying them both. Jantiff's soul immediately released, telling Rihanonn that he would return to ressurect her as speedily as possible. 'Can you make it clear down to me?' was her soul's question to him, and, as a Friar of the Defenders of Albion, he felt he could do it. He had trained well with his staff, and he had learned the Holy art of ressurection recently. 'I shall be back for you!' his mind said to hers. He ran swiftly through the trees and fields towards the Tomb...

"Jantiff Ravensroke!" the old woman called. A little boy came running into the cottage to see his grandmother sitting by the fireplace in her favorite chair. "You fell asleep last eve, little one" Grandmother said, her voice softening. Jantiff smiled up at her, then jumped into her lap. "Now I will finish the tale of the Brave Knight and the Damsel he rescued!" Jantiff listened with rapt attention as his Grandmother told of the Knight who slew the terrible Beast who threatened the fair Damsel. "Grandma, was she grateful?" the little boy asked. "Yes little one" she said, smiling. "They went and lived in a Castle, and with Arthur's blessing, lived a long and happy life together". Jantiff smiled, his eyes drooping, as the warmth of the fire brought upon sleepiness...

Jantiff entered the Tomb.

The foul stench in the palpable darkness revolted him. As he moved downwards, the eerie sounds of the Undead, unquiet in their eternal wanderings, came to his ears. Gripping his staff tighter, he rounded a corner-

And came face to face with an evil spirit! The foul thing rushed him; he swung his staff again and again, laying the evil thing low. He watched it dissolve into the stone floor. 'I am almost there!' his mind called out to Rhianonn. After a brief rest, he moved further downwards, picking up his pace. He turned right at an intersection...

Wrong turn! He backtracked, and went down the left-hand corridor. More Undead crowded the hall. Jantiff sprinted through them. One followed him, raking its nails at his robe. He swiftly turned and tried his new staff style attack on the thing. The spirit crumpled to the ground! Jantiff smiled, wiping the sweat from his brow with the sleeve of his robe...

"Father..." Jantiff said haltingly. "Yes son?" came the reply. Jantiff's Father continued to use his carpentry tools upon his latest project upon his workbench. "...I want to be a Knight when I grow up" stated Jantiff. His Father, smiling, put his tools down and turned to his son, kneeling down to look in his eyes. "My son, few of us are called to such a role. Life often does not allow us to play the role we wish..." His Father looked thoughtful. "I shall speak to a friend I know in Camelot" he said, running his hand through his son's hair. "We shall see...but now, please hand me my saw." Jantiff smiled eagerly and ran to get his Father's tool.

Jantiff looked down the corridor with dread.

There were a few yellow-eyed Undead roaming there. Rhianonn was past them, her soul slipping slowly. Jantiff, drawing himself up, strode forward. He broke into a run past the Undead. The way was free!

Then, suddenly, an evil Bleeder Lizard attacked him unawares! He was hit badly, yet turned and thrust his staff forward. The battle was brief- the beast had gotten the drop on him, and his endurance was very low to begin with . 'I fear I am slain, Milady', his mind sent out to hers. As he crumpled to the floor, she sent back; 'I'm releasing'. Jantiff's soul thought bitterly of how close he had come...and realized that he was not living in one of his Grandmother's story-book tales. He released, to sit down in Prydwen Keep once again, lost in thought. Rhianonn was nearby. "I am sorry Milady", he said, looking down at the ground, staff resting across his knees. Rhianonn smiled and told him there would be other days to fight once again in the Tomb. Jantiff nodded, and thought about the tales of the Brave Knight and his deeds, with a tinge of regret.


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